Tales Of – Hideo Baba community Interview Part 3 – YouTube
Will there be any new, innovative weapon choices in future Tales of games? 将来的に今までにない、新しい武器を登場させる予定はありますか?
Will mages obtain more melee arts to put them on with the primary melee characters? 魔法キャラに、これまでの前衛キャラと同じように、さらに接近戦用スキルを修得できるようにする予定はありますか?
Ever thought about a Tales of game that lets you create a custom character and “recruit” friends for local/wi-fi gameplay? 自分でキャラクターを作ったり、Wi-Fiなどの通信を使って、友達をゲーム内に登場させるようなシステムをテイルズに導入することについて考えたことはありますか。
What do you think could be done differently in regards to the handling of Tales of games outside of Japan? テイルズのゲームを日本国外で扱うことになって、これまでと違うどんなことがあったと思いますか?
What makes the Tales of series so difficult to localize? テイルズオブシリーズの海外版の制作はどうして難しいのでしょうか?
What is the defining trait of Tales of Graces f that makes it so special compared to Tales of Abyss and Tales of Vesperia? テイルズオブグレイセスfがアビスやヴェスペリアにくらべて力を入れている感じがするのはなぜでしょうか?
Tales Of – Hideo Baba community Interview Part 2 – YouTube
What’s the most fun thing about making the games?
Were any of the Tales of characters, themes or stories inspired by real life people or events,for example?
When designing characters for each game, do you leave most of it up to the artist’s interpretation of how the character should look or do they have to follow guidelines that you set?
What is the first process of making a Tales of game? Do you start with the characters or with the story?
Will there be more Tales of this gen, or is the Tales Studio going to wait for the new systems?
Will there be a Tales of game with character customization on consoles like Xbox 360 or PS3?
Will there ever be another playable animal like Repede? Animals are fun to play as.
Tales Of – Hideo Baba community Interview Part 1 – YouTube
How do you feel about the way western audiences react to the anime style that the Tales of series uses?
Would you ever consider designing a game for western audiences like a lot of other Japanese studios do now, or will you stick with what you are best at?
Is there any Tales of game you guys regret making?
What’s the experience like, creating each Tales of game?
When creating the Tale of series, how do you come up with stoly line?
What’s the favorite type of comic relief, and is there any example of it in a Tales of game?